In commercial use, rayon is considered as one of the most peculiar fabrics for the designing of textiles. Here manufacturing process of rayon fabric is discussed. Rayon fabric is not an artificial fiber as it is derived from the naturally occurring cellulose. However, it is not completely a natural fabric, because this cellulose requires an extensive processing. Rayon is considered regenerated cellulose and usually classified as a manufactured fiber.
Process of Rayon has been in production since the 1880s in France. It was developed there as a cheap alternative to silk. In 1920s Dupont Chemicals got the possession to process it and turn it into a household word. Although it rends to age very poorly, it is easy to dye, highly absorbent and drapes well. With age rayon fabrics gets yellow and form small balls, become rough where it is most heavily worn.
Rayon is used in a various textile applications which include shirts, skirts, and it is seen in both woven and knitted forms. Rayon fabrics are mostly used in cheaply constructed garments. However, rayon fabrics are excellent for draping and a best alternative to silk. They are frequently used in flowing gowns and evening gowns. Its manufacture begins with cellulose which is mostly extracted from the wood pulp. Any plant material having long molecular chains can also be used to extract the cellulose. It is then steeped in caustic soda, which gets concentrated into soda cellulose. It is then rolled out or pressed hardly to remove the excess soda solution; this pressure the cellulose which is shredded into white crumb.
rayon manufacturing
The white crumb is then allowed to oxidize. This oxidation makes shorter molecular chains which are precisely treated with carbon di-sulphide. Due to inorganic compounds presents, which emerge during the chemical process, soda cellulose reacts with this substance, resulting in the formation of yellow crumb. A very highly viscous material is formed when this yellow crumb gets reacted with caustic solution and the hydrogen bonds of cellulose. The whole process is known as viscous process.
This viscous fluid is then allowed to age. Slurry is produced by the further breaking of cellulose structures. The whole material is then filtered to remove impurities. To ensure a strong bond, small air pockets are pulled out. Even fiber and the whole mixture is pullet out with spinner to form strands of fine thread. This thread is made to enter a setting solution so that a cellulose filament is formed known as Rayon.
Rayon fabrics are frequently blended with synthetic fibers and used for a variety of applications. Hence, it is advisable to be alert and follow all the individual care labels while designing rayon garments, as these fibers have specific handling needs. Rayon threads are widely available in various forms of color. The stitches, sewing or embroidery using rayon fabrics are smooth and consistent as well. As a peculiar fabric for designing clothes, rayon is most widely used nowadays. They are best alternative to silk and are best for draping. Hence, this is the whole manufacturing process of Rayon Fabric.