Creative thinking derives from a creative thought and a creative thought comes from a creative mind but is that creative mind, a God gift or rather a layman think it’s a magic.

Innovative mind

The answer of this question is too complex but a simple solution defines the whole meaning and the solution is just three simple questions. These are what? Why? Why not? And these little questions give shape to a design.

Design does not reproduce the visible, rather it makes visible”-Paul Klee.

A senseless thought or an unpredictable idea can become a great creative discovery or a marvelous design with these three questions because creativity is the combination of curiosity and imagination that makes all the human creatures fundamentally creative. Rather it’s true to say that Creativity is not a gift, it’s a skill which we can learn and enhance.

Most of the people have a thinking that they don’t possess a creative mind within their body but they forget that they have a gifted natural power i.e.; an imagination which is probably more powerful than they are.

”Discovering consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.”-Gyorgyi Albert von Szent.

We don’t learn to think creatively from our childhood. We don’t study and understand
techniques for creative thinking .But this is a underlying fact that society takes off creativity.

Initially, a child has a infinite creative element within him/her but some of social barriers blocks it. Due to it, the mind gets struck to a limited boundary.

There are six common barriers to creative thinking. These are Fear, Lack of knowledge, Habit,Rules, Assumption and complacency. There is no such medicine which can eradicate these barriers from our roots. This can only be possible by not being self- conscious.

“Start with a problem, don’t go looking for a solution”. There is no process which can take us directly to the solution of a creative problem because when one creative problem is solved den it evolves numbers of good designs”.

Creativity may indeed be the currency of designers. However, the coordination of design, the management of design, is a necessary action to ensure its successful outcome.

Luckily, the most precious thing about creativity is that we are the only human animal that does it. You don’t know that once you started solving a problem creatively, you have numerous of dimensions to move forward that you could not even predict. Therefore, there is a social role of designers in the world of creativity.

“Identifying the need, considering the solutions testing and evaluating the solutions, realization of the decision are the four stages of the design process– David Pye.

Creative thought is really based on human and social behavior so just follow your intuitions,imagine them, and flourish them in your full freedom of expression in this artistic ambiance.

”Intuition, derived from knowledge, experience and God knows what else, is the unpredictable human element that saves us from a world designed by computers. It encourages the mind to jump away from the expected, and helps to produce ideas that are surprises as well as solutions”.

Design is a creative activity that defines simple explanations because it is often that hasn’t been done before. It is a measuring tool that measures high creativity to low creativity. Innovation is a defining characteristic of a good design.

Design has two perspectives: solution of creative expression and a intellectual purpose.

Lastly, creativity is not just an art but it’s a central to our survival and this creativity gets enhanced with more problems. It is as much an expression of emotions and quality. Creative thinking is a intersection and mediation for designing.

Creative thinking Books References:

1. Souter, Nick, Breakthrough thinking, ILEX Publications, UK, 2007.

2. Meyers, Herb and Gerstman, Richard, Creativity, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

3. Balaram, S, Design Quotes, National Institute of Design, India, 2001.

4. Moor, Liz and Julier, Guy, Design and Creativity, Berg Publishers, USA, 2009.

5. Marks, Terry and Porter, Matthew, Good Design, Rockport Publishers, USA, 2009.

6. Bayley, Stephen and Conran, Terence, Design, Firefly Book Ltd., USA, 2007.

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