Chamois Leather

Chamois leather occasionally known as a shammy; Shammy is a type of absorbent leather that is preferential for its moderate, non-rasping composition and absorption properties. It has a variety of utilizes, they are as follow,


1.)Fashion accessory – Gloves in the period from 19th to the initial half of the 20th century

2.)Leather jackets, petite bags and purses

3.)Shining cloths for ornaments and shoes

4.)Filtering fuel

5.)Automotive drying material that is protected on acrylic, varnish, enamel and polyurethane paints and clear-coats

6.)Hold on sporting gear – Chamois grips are used in playing field hockey and golf.

7.)universal domestic clean-up purpose

8.)Orthopedics and further medicinal purposes

Reproducing chamois leather is completed using additional leathers such as goat or pig and also artificial chamois leather is produced.

The British Standard describes that chamois leather as:

“Leather made from the skin of the mountain sheep or chamois”

Leather prepared from the flesh tear of sheepskin or lambskin from which the particle has been removed tanned by some procedures involving oxidation of marine oils in the skin using moreover exclusively such oils or then combination chamois oils…..

Genuine chamois leather has almost no scratchy properties and it can also be used as a very permeable drying material for any automobile surface. This has made it a well-accepted product for car cleaning and drying.

The flexibility of the skin’s pores which are very close permits it to be used in micro-filtration. Its water absorbency makes it good for other uses such as in cycling shorts.

Most modern cycling shorts now made by synthetic “chamois” leather. It was also used in purifying mercury which is done by passing it through the pores of the leather skin.


Chamois leather is broadly used for drying and polishing automobiles such as cars and vans, followed by washing.

Undersized sections of chamois leather are frequently used as amalgamation tools by artists sketching with charcoal. The leather merges the charcoal further softly and cleanly than the artist’s fingers, which can leave stains or smudges. The charcoal can be rinsed from the leather using soap and water.

Chamois leather are used approximately for specialized or qualified film and video camera viewfinders, as it presents comfort and absorbs sweat from camera operators who use up an extensive time with their eye planted on the viewfinder.

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  1. Jules Flippen

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